Congress and conference activities
We provide PCO services (Professional Congress Organizer services)
for both domestic and international events. We will organize your events for any of the following types:
- Congresses and Conferences
- Seminars
- Trainings
We are ready and able to arrange your entire event in a professional manner, to provide support and advice to your existing conference team, and to any extent that you specify.
In terms of conferences and congresses, our long-term goal is to create a lasting relationship with the client based on sound knowledge of its specifics, needs and requirements, and particularly on mutual trust.
We therefore provide for the organization of single events as well as recurring conferences and professional meetings.
Organized events 2025
ECLC 2025
(Prague, 1st - 6th June, 2025)
The 17th European conference on Liquid Crystals |
Organizer: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague |
ICT Prague |
Organized events 2024
PSST 2024
(Brno, April 28th - May 02nd, 2024)
The 13th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology Conference |
Organizer: CEITEC Brno University of Technology |
(Pardubice, June 23th - 28th, 2024)
The 10th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and
Applications |
Organizer: University of Pardubice |
SSC 2024
(Ústí nad Labem, September 8th - 13th, 2024)
15th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry |
Organizer: University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem |
Organized events 2023
ECSSC 2023
(Prague, July 9th - 12th, 2023)
The 18th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry |
Organizer: University of Pardubice |
UCT Prague /
ETC 2023
(Prague, September 17th - 21th, 2023)
The 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics |
Organizer: University of Pardubice |
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences /
Organized events 2021
(Košice, Slovak Republic, September 1th - September 4th, 2021)
Modern trends in inorganic technologies 2021 |
Organizer: TU v Košiciach |
Organized events 2019
(Prague, June 2th - 7th, 2019)
The 6th International Conference on Feffomagnetic Shape Memopry Alloys |
Organizer: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague |
Organized events 2018
(Banská Štiavnica, Slovak Republic, May 21th – 23th , 2018)
Modern Trends in Inorganic Technology |
Organizer: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Technology and Materials, Fakulty of Chemical and Food
Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava |
MSMS 2018
(Prague, June 25th – 28th , 2018)
Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science 2018 |
Organizer: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague |
SSC 2018
(Pardubice, September 16th – 21th, 2018)
The 13th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry |
Organizer: University of Pardubice |
AKI 2018
(Chodová Planá, October 24th - 26th , 2018)
21th annual conference
Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection of Materials |
Organizer: Association of Corrosion Engineers |
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Prague |
Organized events 2017
11th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering
(Prague, June 4th - 8th 2017)
Today's research for tomorrow's technologies |
Organizer: WP on Electrochemical Engineering, EFCE |
Department od Inorganic Technology, UCT Prague |
AKI 2017
(Třebíč, October 18th – 20th , 2017)
20th annual conference
Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection of Materials |
Organizer: Association of Corrosion Engineers |
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Prague |
Organized events 2016
Hydrogen Days 2016 (Prague, April 6th – 8th 2016)
7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies
Changing energetics and transportation landscape |
Organizer: Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform |
Solid State Chemistry 2016 (Prague, September 18th – 23rd 2016)
12th Conference on Solid State Chemistry |
Organizer: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i. |
AKI 2016 (Kutna Hora, October 5th – 7th, 2016)
19th annual conference
Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection of Materials |
Organizer: Association of Corrosion Engineers |
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, ICT Prague |
Organized events 2015
Hydrogen Days 2015 (Prague, March 18th – 20th 2015)
6th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies Energetics and Transportation From the laboratory to daily life |
Organizer: Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform |
AKI 2015 (Trebon, October 14th – 16th 2015)
18th annual conference
Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection of Materials |
Organizer: Association of Corrosion Engineers |
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, ICT Prague |
Organized events 2014
Hydrogen Days 2014 (Prague, April 2nd – 4th 2014)
5th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies Energetics and Transportation Vision and Reality |
Organizer: Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform |
Trendy 2014 (Prague, June 11th – 13th 2014)
Moderní trendy v anorganických technologiích |
Organizer: Department of Inorganic technology, ICT Prague |
AKI 2014 (Luhacovice, October 15th – 17th 2014)
17th annual conference
Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection of Materials |
Organizer: Association of Corrosion Engineers |
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, ICT Prague |
We provide organizational services during the preparation and at the point of destination:
- Detailed event scheduling, optimization, monitoring of deadlines and continuous updating to the organizational and professional team and participants about upcoming deadlines and related activities
- Choice of venue, accommodation capacities, their inspection, contractual support
- Marketing support, website, event promotion at home and abroad
- Graphic design, preparation and production of promotional and conference materials (logo, brochures, textbooks, programs, lists of participants, banners, posters, etc. - including graphic design)
- Cooperation in identifying and addressing potential participants, standardized communication with participants, customized solutions to their individual requirements
- On-line registration system of participants and all relevant activities
- Public outreach and informing of important dates and facts
- Cooperation with the client in identifying and addressing of sponsors, communication with sponsors, contractual provision for sponsoring
- Researching and addressing of exhibitors and the organization of exhibition space and exhibition stands, contractual arrangements for exhibitions
- Staffing of events before and during the event
We provide support for the professional team:
- Cooperation in designing the structure and breakdown of the scientific program
- Content and formal program design - from the initial schedule to finalization as at the date of the event - with continuous updating of program on the conference website
- On-line receiving of professional contributions (abstract, full text, copyright, etc.)
- Opposition procedure with expert team within the on-line registration system
- Counselling by the expert team for the client team within the system in the section of opposing expert contributions
- Editing contributions and their preparation for further publishing and printing (including graphical and formal modifications)
- Event proceedings - in print and electronic form (CD-ROM, USB, etc.), including graphic design and editorial revisions
Within technical service we will ensure the following:
- Any computer, projection and audio-visual equipment for the preparatory phase and for the place of event
- Websites - from initial graphic design of event (including logo design, providing domain and hosting) through implementation and continuous update of the website according to schedule of event
- Processing and management of all necessary databases
- Data and database security
- On-line registration system and communication with participants through the registration system which makes part of the event website
- Security service at the venue
- Photographic / video documentation according to client requirements
We provide catering services:
- At the venue (coffee breaks, lunches, etc.)
- In accompanying social events (gala dinners, receptions, etc.)
- In VIP and other meetings (snacks, coffee breaks, etc.)
- During the preparatory and business meetings of organizational teams
We provide the accompanying social programs:
- Opening and closing ceremonies (including cultural program)
- Concerts and theatre performances (including the organization of transport in terms of the event)
- Trips - natural and cultural sightseeing (including transportation, program and catering)
- Professional excursions - according to the client requirements, to the client-selected destinations
- Banquets, receptions, social dinner (according to client's requirements, in line with current trends)
We will ensure the following:
- Accommodation at the venue (preferably in the area of the event, respectively in nearby locations in order to guarantee optimal accessibility of the venue)
- Alternative accommodation possibilities (with respect to various quality and financial requirements of participants)
- Transportation to the event and back in the Czech Republic (with regard to the arrival and departure dates of participants, and maximum comfort)
- Transportation to cultural events and trips
We will ensure the following:
- All contractual relationships in the venue - congress facilities (including IT and AV equipment, personnel, etc.), accommodation, etc.
- Contractual support for the catering service at the venue and at the accompanying social events
- All contractual relationships with the sponsors and exhibitors
- Contracts for the transport of participants
We will ensure the following:
- Accounting for events according to applicable laws and regulations
- Tax and financial counselling for issues arising in connection with the organization of events
- Payments of participants on-line and via bank transfers